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Katherine Howard: A New History Page 20

  Summarising the misalliances of Katherine’s life, Henry Manox had corrupted her at twelve years, reporting that she allowed him to fondle her privately. Francis Dereham aggressively seduced her and may have raped her at the age of fourteen, probably with the purpose of marrying her. And Thomas Culpeper manipulated Katherine, having come into sensitive information about her past, while blaming her for the meetings since she was supposedly dying of love for him and had forced him into meeting with her. Katherine’s actions indicate that she was aware of the dangers involved in meeting him, especially because male hostility towards powerful women usually influenced a dishonourable interpretation of such encounters. However, in the absence of any convincing evidence that Katherine committed adultery or treason against her husband, particularly since the indictments were grossly distorted, manipulated and invented, she should be judged innocent of the crimes attributed to her. It is perhaps fitting to close this study with the words of the antiquarian John Weever, written in 1631, in view of what it suggests both about Katherine’s innocence and the reasons for her fall:

  Many strong words are given, both by English and foreign writers, to confirm that belief, that neither this Queen Katherine [Howard], nor Queen Anne [Boleyn], were any way guilty of the breach of matrimony, whereof they were accused, but that King Henry, unconstant... in his affections,... did cut them off upon false suggestions, soon weary of the old, and ever aiming at new espousals.69


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